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Jacek Litwin
22 lip 20241 minut(y) czytania
"Invocation" by Brianne Ford feat. Dorota Piotrowska on drums is finally released! Find it
"With a musical resume that reads longer than those of many seasoned veterans, jazz pianist Brianne Ford has been a girl on a mission to...

Jacek Litwin
22 lip 20241 minut(y) czytania
Dorota Piotrowska Quartet at XVIII International Chopin & Friends Festival
Saturday November 19th Dorota will perform at the XVIII International Chopin & Friends Festival with my band featuring Sam Newsome on...

Jacek Litwin
22 lip 20241 minut(y) czytania
Firey String Sistas! CD Release Party @ BAM CAFE in Broooklyn, NY
"This refreshing alternative to the traditional jazz quintet presents original compositions and American standards with a twist of world...

Jacek Litwin
22 lip 20241 minut(y) czytania
Sisters in Jazz feat. Camille Thurman - Poland/Ukraine Tour
This time Sisters will perform in Eastern Europe. The upcoming tour in Poland and Ukraine features Camille Thurman - saxophones and...

Jacek Litwin
22 lip 20241 minut(y) czytania
SOFIA - Nicole Johänntgen & Sisters in Jazz @ St.Moritz Festival da Jazz
Sisters In Jazz are back on the road again featuring: Izabella Effenberg - vibraphone/Poland Nicole Johänntgen - saxophone/Germany Naoko...

Jacek Litwin
22 lip 20241 minut(y) czytania
SOFIA 2016 - Support Of Female Improvising Artists
Dorota Piotrowska will be teaching at SOFIA workshops in Zurich, Switzerland. More details at:

Jacek Litwin
22 lip 20241 minut(y) czytania
"SISTERS IN JAZZ” debut album is out!
“Nothing unites people more universally than music, in a particularly brilliant and emotional way.” Helena Trachsel, Fachstelle für...

Jacek Litwin
22 lip 20241 minut(y) czytania
Ewa Uryga & New York Jazz Collective - Poland, November 2015
This year Dorota is back in Poland with Ewa Uryga! The upcoming tour features Mark Soskin on piano and Luques Curtis on bass. For more...

Jacek Litwin
22 lip 20241 minut(y) czytania
NOVA - Club Bonafide - New York 2015
A new project founded by Jennifer Hernandez - NOVA - brings together three wonderful women to the table. The upcoming show atClub...

Jacek Litwin
22 lip 20241 minut(y) czytania
Dorota Piotrowska Quartet feat. Jeremy Pelt @ Kościuszko Foundation - Wahington D.C.
Dorota Piotrowska Quartet is headed to Washington D.C. to play a show at the Kościuszko Foundation. The bend features Delandria Mills -...

Jacek Litwin
22 lip 20241 minut(y) czytania
SOFIA & Nicole Johänntgen @Ystad Sweden Jazz Festival
SOFIA is: Nicole Johänntgen - saxophone Naoko Sakata - piano Ingrid Hagel - violin Ellen Pettersson - trumpet Izabella Effenberg -...

Jacek Litwin
22 lip 20241 minut(y) czytania
Dorota Piotrowska Project | 2014 Fall Tour
Dorota Piotrowska Project is back in Poland! The upcoming tour includes jazz festivals, venues and workshops. This time the band features...

Jacek Litwin
22 lip 20241 minut(y) czytania
History of Polish Jazz Workshops at Greenpoint Library
As a lecturer Dorota will be sharing her knowledge in a series of workshops organized by Culture Shock Foundation. The workshops take...

Jacek Litwin
22 lip 20241 minut(y) czytania
Mod Squad NYC "State Of The Union" is for sale on CD Baby
"This New York City band is a fresh creation of new technical wizardry whose ideas have evolved from the new school of Jazz, Fusion and...

Jacek Litwin
22 lip 20241 minut(y) czytania
Sakae Endorsement
Dorota Piotrowska is now officially a Sakae Artist. About Sakae: "Early in 2013 shock waves went round the drum world when it became...

Jacek Litwin
22 lip 20241 minut(y) czytania
Sisters in Jazz feat. Camille Thurman @ Grand Prix Jazz Melomani 2017
Sisters in Jazz are back in Poland. This time they will be Performing in Łódź at Grand Prix Jazz Melomani. The band features Camille...

Jacek Litwin
22 lip 20241 minut(y) czytania
Dorota Piotrowska/Sam Newsome Quartet @ Sopot Jazz Festival
Sopot Jazz Festival | 7.10.2017 | 19:00 | Sofitel Grand Sopot Hotel | "Sopot Jazz Festival 2017 will take place on October 5-7, and will...

Jacek Litwin
22 lip 20241 minut(y) czytania
Many ways to happiness | Interview with Dorota Piotrowska for Trójka Polish Radio
"I cannot confine myself to one thing. I have the impression that thanks to my various interests I maintain a balance, - says Dorota...

Jacek Litwin
22 lip 20241 minut(y) czytania
Bernard Kawka | Music of the jazz legend | Muzyka legendy jazzu
Bernard Kawka and his band Novi Singers were the precursors of jazz vocals in Poland, which was short for New Original Vocal Instruments...

Jacek Litwin
22 lip 20241 minut(y) czytania
Sisters in Jazz | Wiosna Jazzowa w Zakopanem | Unesco International Jazz Day | 30.04.2018
🎼 On Monday April 30, Sisters in Jazz will perform on the International Jazz Day during Wiosna Jazzowa in Zakopane Festival. Camille...
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